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Start A Food Business: BookCulina Salus is the author of the Amazon No 1 best-selling series of Food Safety Diaries for Food Businesses aka The Yearbook which has been published since 2014. The latest 2021 Yearbook is now available.
Start A Food Business is the training manual that will provide advice and guidance if you are starting out or already running a catering business. This food safety management book helps restaurants, cafés, takeaways, and other catering businesses comply with food hygiene regulations.
This book, based on HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) will help you comply with food hygiene regulations by showing you how to make food safely and run all aspects of your business. This book replaces Safer Food Better Business (SFBB) food management pack which is no longer sent out by the food standards agency.
Chapters include:
Starting a food business, what everyone needs to know
Starting a food business from home
Food law inspections and your business
Immigration law and your staff
Good food Good business for caterers
Recommended training for food handlers
Food labelling and packaging
Employing staff for the first time
Good food Good business for residential care homes
Good food Good business for childminders
Good food Good business for Asian and Oriental cuisines
Starting a street food business
Covid advice for food businesses
Plus much more
This full colour book is published to accompany the best selling Kitchen Safety Record 2021 Yearbook (page to a day diary) for a complete food safety management system.
146 Pages,Full Colour Hardback
Search Culina Salus on Amazon, and ebay.
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